Institution für telepathische Communication
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Process of dying and death

To let a  beloved animal go away can be the most painful moments in our live. Often it is also a time in which we feel ourselves least of all understood and accepted from our fellow human. Our sorrow for the correct decision in disease and death is not accepted.

An animal communicator can support you and help you to get information, such as

  •  to ask your pet what it wants to be done to him to ease the current situation.
  • How much quality of life and will to live the animal feels.
  • To ask the animals if they can give a clear sign when they are ready to leave their body, they will go through their process of dying by their own or have gladly support.
  •  If they have an idea or wish which kind of respect their physical

 Each animal feels pain or restriction in a different way. While many animals recognizes its limitations and even joy in being with his people, despite pain and veterinarian course, for many others it is not a question becoming eventually "old and frail".


Also some age infirmity awaken in us that our animal must have great pain what it not even feel and it is extremely surprised that we already have thought about his farewell.


In this time it can be a great help to make decisions in close ties with the feelings of your animal comrades. If human and anmal are into consideration for the possibility of euthanasia, it may be save a lot of guilt feelingsfor the people, to know the right time and the agreement of his beloved family member Just as many happy and carefree hours are possible if we   know that our animal companion is still comfortable and happy to perceives his duties in the family.


